26. 11. 2024

Researchers test metal hydrides for safe and efficient hydrogen storage

Enhancing technologies for safe and efficient hydrogen storage is one of the primary objectives of the REFRESH project and its Energy Lab. Researchers at CEET have focused on technology that utilizes metal hydrides—compounds where hydrogen is chemically bound to a metal element or alloy. Their attention is directed toward addressing a critical challenge associated with this technology: thermal management.

“Controlling temperature is crucial for optimizing the processes of hydrogen absorption and desorption. Hydrogen absorption releases heat, making it an exothermic process, whereas desorption requires heat input, classifying it as an endothermic process. Efficient temperature management can greatly expedite both of these processes,” explained Ľubomíra Drozdová from CEET.

The researchers are experimenting with MyH2 2000 metal hydrides developed by H2 Planet. This innovative low-pressure refillable hydrogen tank is engineered for safe and efficient hydrogen storage. The system utilizes a metal powder capable of repeatedly absorbing and releasing hydrogen as required, enabling storage at relatively low pressures (up to 30 bar) and enhancing overall safety. During the absorption phase, the tank is cooled to avoid overheating, while it is heated during desorption, optimizing the entire process.

“The facility is perfectly suited for the storage of pure hydrogen gas, which can subsequently be utilized to produce electricity through fuel cells. This process contributes to sustainable energy solutions,” Drozdová added.  The goal of the experiments is to assess the effectiveness of thermal management in the absorption and desorption of hydrogen and to devise an optimized strategy to maximize the efficiency of the process.

Future plans involve exploring various types of metal hydrides and evaluating them based on their absorption and desorption characteristics. Additionally, the researchers will continue to refine thermal management to enhance the overall efficiency of the process.

Experts say that conventional hydrogen storage methods, like compressed gas or liquid hydrogen, have limitations and risks. Storing hydrogen as a compressed gas necessitates high-pressure vessels, which places greater demands on material durability and safety protocols. On the other hand, liquid hydrogen storage is energy-intensive, requiring extremely low temperatures of about -253 °C, which raises operational costs and diminishes overall efficiency. In contrast, metal hydrides offer a safe and efficient solution for hydrogen storage at lower pressures and temperatures, allowing for controlled release. This makes metal hydrides a crucial component in advancing the hydrogen economy. This technology not only addresses current storage challenges but also enhances the accessibility of hydrogen as a versatile energy carrier.