The logo will reinforce the REFRESH project brand
Initiating changes with the help of top researchers and in collaboration with companies and public administration that will help transform the Moravian-Silesian region into a smart and green region – that is also one of the goals of the REFRESH project from the Just Transition Operational Programme. This transformational journey is symbolized by the logo that will now be associated with the promotion of the project.
Besides VSB-TUO, the principal investigator, the project involves partners such as the University of Ostrava, Moravian-Silesian Innovation Center, and Fraunhofer-Gesellschaft. Additionally, several companies that collaborate with VSB-TUO are interested in cooperating on the project.
“Given the diverse target group, primarily composed of companies or partners from public administration, we have tried to make the logo as straightforward and informative as possible. I think it is simple yet sufficiently captures the essence of the project. We have managed to lay the groundwork for the largest project in the history of the university which deserves a logo with a clear reference to VSB-TUO and its content. The logo that suits the project,” said Igor Ivan, REFRESH director and VSB-TUO Vice-Rector for Strategy and Cooperation.

The REFRESH project is a key tool of the SMARAGD strategy for transforming the Moravian-Silesian Region into a SMARt And Green District. It represents a specific plan for creating an internationally competitive innovation ecosystem that will encourage further development of the region.
„The symbolism of the logo is based on the title REFRESH itself which visually refers to the process of renewal in a general sense. The individual parts of the title then accentuate the reuse of resources (RE) and the freshness and originality of the project’s goal – FRESH. The symbol contains elements of cyclical, sustainable use of natural resources, and the detail of the leaf emphasizes green energy. The color scheme of the logo is derived from both the colours of the VSB-TUO logo and the motto of the entire SMARAGD strategy ‘from black to green‘,” clarified the logo’s author Zoran Kerkez.
The REFRESH project is currently awaiting a final decision on the allocation of a grant totaling 2.5 billion Czech Crowns.